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guts more like. Goated

cara o jogo é mt bom, mas seria legal ter um modo de hordas onde a cada horda vc tivesse q escolher uma melhoria e dai a cada horda ir deixando os inimigos mais fortes


Please remove stunlock and pull back after you get hit. But this game is great!!!!


Man please  optimise this game for Android pls . It's lagging so bad and the game always crash for me. Man pls i want to play this game for hours. I like it so much

Great project


Bro please update this shit more its fire


Pc is good.

Android game crash help me pls

I tried to play at linux, but it doesnt work. 

Basically this bug

Has something to do with boot config file

I ofc did sudo chmod 777 to the .x86_64 file, then ran it:


>Set current directory to /home/solomos/Downloads

>Found path: /home/[username]/Downloads/BerserkSurvivor.x86_64

>no boot config - using default values

>(Filename:  Line: 479)

Please take down the linux version since it doesnt work

I cannot play this game I click in the game the Screen is black

gostaria de saber se o desenvolvero poderia entra em contato com migo desenvolver um projeto fututo pos assisti o desenvolvimento desse jogo e gostei muito de como ficou o resultado final de for possivel me chama no discord pra me passa mais informaçoes de um jogo futuro que estou pranejando fazer. leocass1992p_79151



es muy bueno este juego, de verdad, es bellisimo este juego, espero con ancias las siguientes actualizaciones amigos :)

Gracias men por crear semejante obra maestra 🥹 muchas gracias ♥️ ♥️ 

Eu não sei se é só comigo, mas estou com um problema que o guts anda pra trás automaticamente, fica andando sem parar automatico, eu consigo me movimentar pra outras direções mas n ficar parado, não sei se está relacionado mas também tenho esse problema no dark souls 3. Alguma solução?

Ei mano eu tenho uma ideia de adicionar outras criaturas um mapa na floresta ou campo e outra coisa é uma boa ideia adicionar novos ataques padrão pro modo besta só um movimento fica repetitivo demais iria ser muito bom 

Awesome game, love all the options given. One issue I have though after playing on Android is that it crashes after either trying to exit the cathedral arena (the ghosts challenge in particular I've had trouble with for this reason) or trying to load another challenge after completing the first. Other than that, absolutely love it.


Buen juego para pc pero para celu no me carga pero el mejor sin dudas

I really enjoy the well made game, well when you put it in performance mode xD never seen that funny xD and the capes keep tweaking out
but i like it, and ill play alot of it...

If not Small changes would be on the ''E'' like i get that skeleton shouldnt get 1 tapped by an bolt but also i dont get it xD
like in the anime its useful but in the game i dont want to use it,
and the Arm cannon is way better but its funny how  weird it shoots and its more like a grenade than the anime style blast which was almost like a fire breath or idk

and for the big dumb ideas i had...  i know that its BERSERK SURVIVOR
BUT what about a open world campaign or even more weird and dumb what about a multiplayer arena mode hahaha

the campaign may be very fking good but the problem is fisualising the multiplayer on it... 

so if its arena maybe just like take control of the many characters of the show which would be alot of work and people would not like the limit...
so an option that would take way more skills and time but would be just the cherry on top type of good would be...
Character Customization, i am crazy and dumb for even sudjestiing? yes but isnt bravery also being dumb? 
imagine you taking some basic skills like 2 handed swordsman or rapier like in the show! and making the most disgusting character while being followed by the lobby 100% music! heck yeah!

So conclusion since we both dont have time nor want to

small changes which are normal
Make crossbow better
make the cannon less goofy

Big changes that are stupid to ask
Character customization!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, another translator here. If you consider adding more languages, I might help you with the Russian version. This is going to be free, of course. Getting response on this page might be a little too long, so here is my Discord contact in case you are ready to add the Russian localization (if ever, that is) : williamwave .

Muito bom o jogo renzek finalmente fez um jogo que me presta diverti muito jogando

Thats peetty awesome ! How long did it take to code ? 

Olá Renzk, sou um grande fã do seu trabalho, acompanho a mais ou menos um bom tempo cerca de 5 anos desde o jogo de God of War e estou muito feliz pelo tanto de repercussão que o seu trabalho criou, espero que você continue e crie mais dos seus projetos inovadores e quem sabe você não cria uma grande empresa de jogos em.

Eu amei o seu jogo de Berserk e por amar seus jogos e amar o mangá, me senti um fã privilegiado, li alguns de seus comentários de resposta e fiquei triste ao saber que possivelmente você não irá atualizar o jogo, mas tive uma pequena ideia, crie um boss final que drop algum item, exemplo uma espada ou algum novo parceiro pro Guts,  use algum personagem simples com mecânicas fáceis e no final coloque uma Cutscene do Guts Encarando o Griffith, como se algum dia, eles fossem "batalhar" (mais como uma referência mesmo).

im on linux, so like what do i do with the files? how do i play the gane??

(1 edit) (+1)

you need to execute BerserkSurvivor.x86_64

try opening the directory that you extracted the files in a terminal and executing

chmod +x BerserkSurvivor.x86_64

then try to open the BerserkSurvivor.x86_64 file

if it doesn't work, i couldn't find a solution (i couldn't open the game too), but is probably because file format incompatibility with your linux system


I can't play the game once downloaded? is there a fix?


this was the BEST character for the BEST hack and slash game i've played yet

Great Game! I would love to see a full linear story game in this style, renzk you've earned a lifelong fan!
(1 edit)

my only request is a frame rate cap/vsync. this game eats my GPU since it makes like 450 - 500 fps when I only need 120. thank you.

p.s: i also seem to have accidentally set my resolution to 0 x 0 when messing with settings and now i have a black screen lol.

Hello, if you can give me your ID or email, I will work with you

(1 edit)

awsome  game. i can't wait for the new updates.


Hey the Android is kinda laggy ik my phone is kinda trash but can you make a plain feilds map? Like every map is dark kinda lag my games idk why


Porra mano desisto de tentar baixar essa bomba eu comprei um celular novo e a primeira coisa que eu fiz foi tentar baixar e não é compatível, o Linux pode até ser compatível mais eu não sei mexer nele por isso você perdeu um inscrito man


tbm né seu animal ninguem mando compra iphone


E dês de quando poco é da Apple animal de teta?

Somos 2 comprei um poco x6 pro e nem Minecraft e compatível com ele.

(1 edit) (+4)

Hi renzk! I'm a huge Japanese fan of Berserk, and EN-to -JP game translator. I played your game and felt your deep love for the Berserk and Miura Kentaro.

So here is the thing, may I ask you to let me translate your game "Berserk Survivor" into Japanese? If yes, I would do my best to make it great with all my best!!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hello amigo, sorry for the delayed response.

The thing is, the way the game translation works is very barebones (the rest of the game too), requiring a lot of work, and to add up, the system is not modular as it is, so it would require a ton of work to add more languages support to the game, and the little time that i get to work on this project, i try to prioritize the game performance and gameplay/content (since it is still pretty shit).

When i created this project, i did not expect to continue on updating it (or even releasing it), but here we are haha.

Thanks for you passion for Berserk and your willingness to help, if get to work more in this project in the future, I'll gladly accept your work!

Thanks amigo :)

Thanks for the explanation, and I understood your situation.

Then I leave my email here for the future just in case, don't hesitate to contact me when you need my help.  We're all Band of the Hawk brothers!


Just 2 things:

A)  Guts's character model has 2 capes which i think goes for all armored models. only needs 1.

B) The game has partial controller support. Found that out when trying this game on Windows.




Renzk seu cabeça de pirilampo, o game tá bom de mais, mas os Nokia tijolão tá peidando pra rodar. Add a opção "tijolão" nas config e mete os modelos de PS1

Hello , this version still has bugs, such as it is heavy on some phones, if you can the first graphics Performance to open better  

And if you can, you can output the game with the release signature, because debugging will cause some problems 


Damn this is cool!

i'm sorry but this feels really sluggish to play

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